The theme for the day was ‘You(th) Connect Together We Can’. The chief guest for the day was Mr Ankith Kumar, Student counsellor and trainer at Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management. Among the dignitaries were Sr Dr M Jeswina AC, the principal and Sr Evet Priya, the convenor of the programme. The programme began with a prayer song. The chief guest Mr Ankith Kumar motivated the students to love oneself and appreciate the uniqueness that each one of us possess. He also inspired the students to appreciate the natural self rather than chasing artificial thoughts.
Principal Sr Dr M Jeswina AC in her presidential address, spoke on the theme of the day which is ‘youth connect’ and conveyed her message that in order to connect with one another, one must learn to listen to others, as the world we live in connects people only on social media and not otherwise.
After the inaugural ceremony a session was conducted by postgraduate students of Psychology on ‘substance Abuse and struggles faced by the youth’. The day-long event took an exciting turn when the students were engaged in activities and games. Followed by a cultural event where they had an opportunity to showcase their talents. The winners were awarded prizes by Sr Dr Venessa AC.
Ms Dalia Dsouza, Assistant professor, Department of Commerce, was the host of the programme. Ms Mokshitha, Assistant professor, Department of Commerce, welcomed the gathering. Mr Derick Dias, Assistant professor, Department of Economics, proposed the vote of thanks.