The World Mental Health Day observance was organised by the Department of Psychoplogy, St. Agnes Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Research, graced by Dr. Lavina M. Noronha, Director of Ave Maria Palliative Care, Vamanjoor. Sr Dr. Vinora A.C , coordinator of P.G. Studies and Dr Premanand, Head of the Department of Psychology
The event began with a mime act depicting the theme of this year’s World Mental Health day which is “40 seconds of action” signifying Suicide Prevention and Awareness.
Dr. Lavina who was florally welcomed, addressed the gathering on the impact of mental health on those at risk of committing suicide and how to effectively help them. She stated “Everyone knows to deal well with success, but we don’t teach individuals how to cope with failure. Hence, we must hope for the best but be prepared for the worst and this should be our motto.” She further went on to abolish the myths that fog the mind about suicide and that it is not just those who are suffering from mental illness are at risk of committing suicide. She highlighted on the aspect that “We all have different yards of happiness” and that if we touch just one heart then our purpose in life is fulfilled.
The Psychology Association, Certus Nova, along with Dr. Lavina distributed the prizes for the poster making competition on the theme “Suicide prevention” held in the college campus on the eve of Mental Health Day. A poster exhibition was held to sensitise the students on the importance of Mental Health a total of 35 posters depicting the theme was exhibited on the occasion of World Mental Health Day.
Students and Staff from All the PG. Departments of St Agnes attended the Programme and were benefitted by the lecture.
The event concluded with a tune of hope by the students of the Department of Psychology. The observance was compered by Sharon Vas.