The Department of Big Data Analytics, Centre for Post Graduate Studies and Research, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru organized a two-day workshop on “Hadoop Ecosystem” on 22 and 23 March 2021. The resource persons for the workshop were Mr G.K. Bhat and Mrs. Aparna Bhat. The workshop participants included the students of I and II year BDA. The workshop was inaugurated by Sr Dr Vinora, P.G. Coordinator. The students of Ist year BDA invoked God’s blessings and the audience were welcomed by Fahana, class representative of Ist BDA. The workshop focused on Installation of Hadoop and HDFS with an introduction to tools in the Hadoop Ecosystem.

On day 1, the resource persons briefed on the prerequisites of Hadoop and guided the students with the installation procedure of Hadoop. Individual attention was given to each of the students and hence the students had an enhanced learning experience. On day 2, the GUI tool for monitoring the Hadoop Ecosystem was introduced and its importance was highlighted. A quiz was conducted on the topic of the workshop. The session was concluded by briefing students on the benefits of Big Data Analytics and its processing tools.