The participants of the workshop included 63 students and 13 scholars/teachers from various institutes across the country. The event began with a prayer and then, the convenor of the event, Ms Joanna Simon, Assistant Professor, PG Department of English greeted the gathering. The Head (in-charge) of the PG Department of English, Dr Zubaida H, introduced the resource persons. Ammel Sharon is also Project Director, Queer Archive for Memory, Reflection and Activism (QAMRA) Archival Project at NLSIU and Andrew W Mellon Doctoral Fellow. Diya Deviah is also Assistant Professor of Economics and Law at the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. She has an MPhil in Law from the University of Oxford and was a Global Junior Scholar with the Constitutions and Democratic Resilience Project.
In her address Sr Dr Vinora AC, The Coordinator of St Agnes Centre for PG Studies and Research spoke about how writing unites people and is an effective medium of communication She encouraged the audience to keep an open mind, to learn and embrace challenges. She reiterated the importance of committing to growing and writing which the workshop symbolised.
The workshop began with a session by Ammel Sharon on active reading. She emphasised the nuances of academic reading and writing. She went on to comprehensively outline the four levels of active reading integral to effective writing- i.e. elementary reading, inspectional reading/systematic skimming, analytical reading and synoptical reading. She trained the participants to work with a complex text and break down the meaning and context. In other sessions, she highlighted the importance of making notes of a text in a smart way that effectively encapsulates it and can be referred to even after a span of years. She guided the students to do the same using the Cornell note-taking template. She took up active training sessions on how to structure writing and on engaging with the sources. She gave demonstrations on the structural elements of writing such as title, subheading, name of the author, affiliation of author, abstract, keywords, introduction, body and conclusion etc. Handouts and worksheets were used for all the sessions.
Diya Deviah then gave a deeper understanding of structure of writing where she emphasised that academic work is collaborative and incremental. Writing requires incorporating studies of scholars and the process of writing necessitates systematic addition of ideas and arguments. She taught participants to funnel ideas into a concise high-level summary of the article, called abstract. She dealt with the role of paragraph in depth since it is the fundamental unit of essay. She drew her session to a close by teaching how to write topic sentences.
Ammel Sharon took over to briefly highlight the importance of citation in academic writing.
She emphasised that integrity in academic writing makes a researcher trustworthy. She also provided tips on differentiation between summary, paraphrase and quotation..
Finally, the resource people engaged in a question and answer session to clarify doubts of participants.
The workshop ended with Ms Raveena Mascarenhas, Assistant Professor, PG Department of English expressing gratitude to the resource people for their practical teachings, beneficial engagement with participants and the thoughtfulness in the way they designed the module and imparted important aspects of academic reading and writing to the participants.
The participants were mentally enriched and practically equipped by the end of the workshop. They were grateful for the workshop and the knowledge and skills imparted by the resource people.