On August 21, in a milestone moment, the Department of Psychology at St. Agnes Centre for Post-Graduate Studies and Research, hosted a Public Viva Voce, marking a crucial step towards the award of the prestigious Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Psychology.

The Viva Voce took the centre stage at the PG auditorium, St. Agnes Centre for Post Graduate Studies and Research, of the candidate Ms. Shefali S K who presented her groundbreaking thesis, “Mindfulness as the Mediator Between PERMA and Creativity: Testing a SEM Model in Primary School Children.” Under the guidance of Dr. V Premanand, Associate Professor and Chairperson, St. Agnes PG Centre for Post Graduate Research and Studies, Ms. Shefali’s research aimed to shed new light on the intricate relationship between mindfulness, creativity, and well-being in young minds.

The examination was conducted with great rigor and intellectual curiosity in the presence of distinguished external examiner Prof. Dr. Sampathkumar, PhD, Department of Studies in Psychology, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Faculty members from various departments and colleges, research institutions, and outside specialists interested in the subject also attended, engaging in a stimulating discussion that pushed the boundaries of knowledge.

The momentous occasion was graced by the presence of Sr. Dr. M. Venissa AC, Principal, Sr. Dr. Vinora AC, PG coordinator, Sr. Carmel Rita AC, College Administrator, Sr Roopa Rodrigues AC, Vice principal, Dr Ita Gonsalves, IQAC coordinator, Dr Nancy Vaz, Registrar, Deans and the proud parents of the PhD scholar. Together, they celebrated Ms. Shefali’s remarkable achievement, marking a significant milestone in her academic journey.