The Department of Computer Applications organised a talk on International Business on 10 July 2019 for the M.Com and MSc Big Data Analytics students of St Agnes Centre for Post Graduate Studies and Research. The resource person for the session was Dr Amitabh Anand, SKEMA Business School Cote d’Azur, France.
Dr Amitabh gave a deep insight on how Business influence an individual and also every aspect across the globe. He explained the importance of International policies. He said the technology era currently is the Data Era, where everything speaks of only data.
Dr Amitabh detailed on how students can choose inter disciplinary research topics to gain in-depth knowledge on various challenges faced in the International Business with Data Analysis.
The session started with a silent prayer. Dr Cathrine, HOD Department of MCom, florally welcomed the resource person, while Mr Thousif Assistant Professor Department of MCom presented a memento as a token of our gratitude.