St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru celebrated its annual Students Day for the academic year 2022-2023 on 6 May 2023.

The students day, Spotlight – Bring the Show on, was held for the students of undergraduate and postgraduate studies with the theme TV shows at the open air stage on the campus. The teaching and non-teaching staff along with the student council organised the event.

On account of students’ day, various competitions like Let’s Paint – a painting competition, group dance competition and minute to Win it – a talent based competition, were organised in advance.

The function commenced by invoking the blessings of the Lord through a prayer song. After welcoming the gathering, the students presented various performances of dance and music. The teaching and non-teaching staff of St Agnes College regaled the audience with a spectacular show of their talents.

The prizes of several competitions that were held prior to the students’ day were also awarded on the occasion.

Dr Sr Venissa AC, Principal, Sr Clara AC, Vice Principal, Sr Vinora AC, co-ordinator for PG studies, Sr Carmel Rita AC, Administrator, teaching and non-teaching staff were present for the programme along with the students of both UG and PG.