The Department of Computer Applications, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru organized an educational session on Data Science on 25 September 2023. The guest speaker for the session was Mr Fadi from QueueTech Solutions. Mr Fadi began the session by sharing his personal experiences from both his college days and his professional career. He then proceeded to enlighten the students about Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, their applications, and their significance in today’s rapidly advancing technological era. Mr Fadi emphasized the importance of internships and additional courses, drawing from his own experiences, and stressed the value of creating a professional CV and LinkedIn profile to enhance job prospects.

In the latter part of the session, he spoke about Machine Learning and how it was gaining recognition in the present lifestyle.

Mrs Malavika Shetty, Head of the Department of Computer Applications welcomed the gathering. Nafila Zulaika expressed gratitude in the vote of thanks.