There were four sessions for the day were the first and third session was taken by Dr S Krishna Prasad in which he spoke about Liquid Crystals- Basics and Applications and Nano technology. He also touched briefly on the topic Viscoelastic response of Soft Materials.
The second session was taken by Dr Thirumaleshwara N Bhat, DST-INSPIRE Faculty, Department of Material Science, Mangalore University. He spoke on the topic Energy efficient materials and Devices. Dr Ajith K M Associate Professor, Department of Physics, NITK, Surathkal spoke for the fourth session on 2D Materials for Battery applications – A computational approach.
Dr Ajith K M was the chief guest for the valedictory and Sr Dr Jeswina, Principal, was the President of the function.At the valedictory certificates were distributed for the participants. Around 177 participants benefitted from the sessions. The participants were staff and students of various colleges and the Physics students of St Agnes College. Ms Akhila of Final Year B.Sc compered the function.