St. Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru, celebrated its PG Fresher’s Day 2024 at the PG Auditorium, embracing the theme “Initio – Adventure Awaits” on September 17.

Sr. Dr. M. Venissa A.C., the Principal, addressed the PG first-year students offering words of inspiration. “Success is a journey let it start with a shine and grow to be brighter individuals”- She encouraged the students to embrace every opportunity and challenges provided to enhance their attributes to enhance the academic, personal, interpersonal and societal growth of oneself and the society.

She emphasized on being responsible for one’s professional growth and urged to focus on the academic excellence and to thirst and hunger for knowledge. She encouraged the students to go beyond academic studies being engaged on self awareness, self esteem and with a positive attitude. She mentioned that with dedication and perseverance they would come out as emerging leaders by enriching new experiences to become a positive individual.

Sr. Dr. Vinora A.C., PG Co-ordinator, introduced the faculty members to the new students and the calendar information, uniform related information and other important details were communicated to the students. In her message she mentioned that they need to be the best version of self and to accept the challenges as the part of the process. She stressed on the motto to grow, learn and thrive to become great individuals.

Dr. Kavyashree K B, Dean, Department of PG studies Psychology, Dr V. Premanand, HOD, Department of PG studies Psychology, HOD’s and other faculty members were present for the event.

This session began with an invocation by Helen and team. The welcome message was addressed by Mr. Prathik Rai, the PG President. A scintillating welcome dance was performed by Spoorthi. Details about the rules and regulations of our college were communicated by Ms. Sithara, The compere of the program was Ms. Yajusha and vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Sowmya.

An ice breaker session was conducted by the vice presidents. The session was concluded by College Anthem.