M.A English

Every subsequent curriculum revision has likewise been premised on the assumption that society requires students who will serve as its mind, heart and future. Further, one of the major objectives of every curriculum designed by the Department has been the employability of the students upon their successful completion of the programme. Towards this end, courses like Cultural Studies, Subaltern Studies, Postcolonial Thought and Literature lend the programme contemporary relevance.
Courses like those in British Literature, Indian Writing in English, Indian Literatures in Translation, Children’s Literature, World Literatures and American Literature trace the roots of the discipline and help prepare students for the NET and SLET. Students are also prepared for futures in research through all courses but most particularly through the Term Paper and Research Methodology, which constitute their project work. They are also fit out for employment in education or the corporate world with courses such as Teaching of English as a Second language and English for Specific Purposes.
In keeping with the newly introduced guidelines offered by the UGC, the Department offers a wide and useful array of Open Elective courses to students pursuing other programmes at the St Agnes Centre for PG Studies and Research. Among the strengths of the Department are its dedicated and well-qualified staff who have distinguished themselves academically as also through creative writing. New features introduced by them include a Theory Club for extra theoretical underpinning for the students, remedial grammar sessions for those who are disadvantaged and a tie up with a peer college of repute for curriculum design and faculty and student exchange programmes. The staff and students employ technology for the teaching-learning process and the former use innovative methods to enrich the classroom experience.
Students are mentored in the writing of scholarly papers for presentation at National and Inter-collegiate seminars/conferences, and in the writing of articles for magazines. They are trained to participate in contests at various literary festivals and have often returned bearing laurels.
The Department is delighted to place on record that the employment rate of its students is high and that it can boast of a few alumni of significant achievement.
Objectives of the Department
Staff Objective
Student Objective
Zubeida H.
HOD (in-charge) & Associate Professor
Ms Raveena Mascarenhas
Assistant Professor (In-Charge)
Ms. Joanna Simon
Assistant Professor