M. Sc. Chemistry
St. Agnes Centre for Post Graduate Studies and Research which is open to Men and Women, has established the PG Chemistry Programme in the year 2010. The department has PhD qualified faculty. Its committed and passionate faculty is actively involved in running the department besides the regular rigors of academic life.

Highlights of The Department
Syllabus is designed to cater the needs of the students appearing for the competitive examinations like CSIR-UGC, SLET, GATE and entrance examination of other institutes.
Practicals are designed in consultation with the BOS members from the industries to meet the industrial demands.
Campus interviews by the reputed companies are organized to recruit the students in various chemical industries.
Qualified and experienced faculty help the students to achieve success in academics, research and extracurricular activities.
Regular Guest lecturers from both industries and institutions have been organized.
Faculty members have obtained financial support from UGC to carry out research projects.
The laboratories are well equipped to carryout regular practical’s and research projects.
To fill the bridging gap between the industries and academic institutions, regular industrial visits are organized.
Every year students of our department get summer research fellowships by Indian academy of sciences and other national institutes.
To fulfill the needs of advanced learners, the department organizes UGC/CSIR/NET coaching by qualified people.
Students are provided with the opportunities to organize and participate in Inter Collegiate Fest to exhibit their talents.
Although project work is not compulsory in the syllabus, to fulfill the needs of employability of industries, students are sent to various industries to get the skills of industry.
The department endeavours to be a locally recognized model for educating students prepared to compete and contribute to the ever changing technology centered world. To achieve this vision, the department is committed to provide a course of study to the post graduate students, which combine curriculum, internship in industries, project works, seminars and industrial visits through highly qualified teaching staff.
To develop analytical mind for applying Science in general and Chemistry in particular, in day to day life. To inculcate scientific temper and orient the mind towards research.
To train and equip the learners towards career opportunities in various Science and educational institutions and even other corporate sectors.
To inculcate ethical values and a sense of service to the society.