The calm and peaceful morning provided an ideal environment to practice Yoga. The event saw the participation of staff members and students. Yoga session was facilitated by Ms. Harini Basavaraj, Yoga Instructor from Studio 6 fitness, Chilimbi and Ms. Shashvitha and Mr. Dereil, Decathlon event Coordinators from Associate sponsors, Decathlon, Mangalore.
The programme began with a brief introduction of International Yoga day emphasizing the yoga theme of this year by Asst. Prof. Ashwini K.A followed by welcoming the Principal, Sr Dr Venissa A.C., Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies Sr Dr Vinora A.C., and the event facilitators. The college authorities presented sapling for the facilitators as a token of gratitude. The principal addressed the gathering on the importance of yoga in the busy life.
After the inaugural, under the guidance of the yoga instructor, the session started with a warm-up exercises, followed by various forms of Asanas which students performed enthusiastically, along with demonstration, the importance of these Asanas was explained simultaneously by the facilitator. The session ended with practice of few mudra yoga and students were encouraged to practice Yoga and Meditation regularly for the healthy and holistic well-being.
At the end of the yoga session, Asst. Prof. Krishna Gopakumar proposed the vote of thanks by expressing her gratitude for the Principal, Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies, Yoga Instructor, the Decathlon coordinators, the department faculty, event technicians, and the participants.