Prof. Lionel Aranha, a distinguished Chartered Accountant and Lawyer, who was the Guest of Honour, graced this event by his presence. The Key Note Speaker was Prof Dr Ismail Hakki Mirici, Director of Haceteppe University Graduate School of Educational Sciences in Ankara, Turkey. Dr. Semra Mirici, Professor at Gazi University, Faculty of Education, Ankara, Turkey, the resource persons – Prof Dennis Quillala, Assistant Prof, Dept of Political Science, President for academic Affairs, University of Phillippines Diliman, Dr Maher Spurgeon, Consultant, Director of South Asia, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, New York were present for the conference. All the dignitaries lit the ceremonial light and formally inaugurated the conference.
Prof. Lionel Aranha, in his message mentioned that St Agnes College focuses towards empowering women and expressed happiness in the way it is thriving. He emphasized to gainfully be employed and provide sustainable solutions to bring about a change to the world. He mentioned a beautiful quote stating “Live it, leave it, sustain it” which meant to actively work towards a sustainable lifestyle that preserves the environment for future generations.
Prof Dr Ismail Mirici in his message mentioned to move towards a sustainable living that can preserve and nurture the environment for the generations to come.
Sr. Dr. M. Venissa AC, in her message mentioned that knowledge and nature have to go hand in hand to have a liveable world in the future. Education is the foundation of transformation which will enable us to learn and we must serve to foster sustainability in order to live in harmony and promote ecological responsibility along with collaboration with various aspects. We need to be the key to the future to be a unified future and enlighten ourselves as we develop.
Among the dignitaries were Sr Dr Maria Roopa AC Joint Secretary of St Agnes Institution, Sr. Dr. M. Venissa AC, the Principal and the President of the inaugural; Sr. Dr. Roopa Rodrigues AC, the Vice Principal; Sr. M. Carmelrita AC, the Administrator; Sr. Dr. M. Vinora AC, the PG Coordinator; Dr. Sabina Lobo, the IQAC Coordinator; delegates from various institutions, special invitees, well-wishers, program convenor Mrs. Gayathri BK, Assistant professor of political science and organizing secretary Ms Florine, Assistant Professor of the department of Economics. The others present were Deans, Heads of Departments, faculty members, students, participants, paper presenters for the conference. The valedictory Cheif Guest was Dr Smitha Hegde, Director Research, Centre for Advanced Learning, Mangalore.
The formal program commenced with a splendid Guard of Honour, followed by a beautiful prayer song, thematic dance adding grace and elegance to this event. Mrs Gayathri BK, welcomed the gathering and introduced Guest of honour and the key note speaker. The Master of Ceremony, Ms. Raveena Mascarenhas, Assistant professor of English, ensured the smooth flow of the program while Dr Sabina D’Souza proposed the vote of thanks.
The formal program commenced with a splendid Guard of Honour, followed by a beautiful prayer song, thematic dance adding grace and elegance to this event. Mrs Gayathri BK, welcomed the gathering and introduced Guest of honour and the key note speaker. The Master of Ceremony, Ms. Raveena Mascarenhas, Assistant professor of English, ensured the smooth flow of the program while Dr Sabina D’Souza proposed the vote of thanks.
This conference inspired us to take meaningful steps toward sustainability and creating a lasting impact in the realm of responsible education with the enthusiasm and participation of all present making this truly a special event.