College Motto
“Deus fortitudo mea” which means “GOD IS MY STRENGTH”
Holistic Education for Excellence and Transformation
St. Agnes College is committed to:
- To provide youth with value based, socially relevant and globally competitive education
- To create a God-centered atmosphere for spiritual growth
- To strengthen the faith life, especially of the Catholic staff and students
- To respect life and uphold dignity of every person and promote human rights
- To nurture eco-consciousness as an integral part of education
- To collaborate with all stakeholders to ensure a culture of quality
College Logo

The Crest/Emblem has three parts:
The CROWN on top symbolizes the golden age of India’s material wealth and cultural splendour.
The SHIELD in the centre has three units.
In the first unit is depicted a CROSS, a MOUNTAIN with THREE STARS on three sides. Mountain is a symbol of prayer and contemplation. The Cross is a symbol of Christianity. The three stars signify the historical Carmelite Heritage of the Apostolic Carmelite Congregation.
In the second unit is engraved a COCONUT PALM on the shoreline that stands for the foundation of Apostolic Carmel along the Western Coast of South India in 1870.
In the third unit the LAMB with the victory PALM together represent our Patroness St Agnes and her spiritual victory.
The scroll upholds the college motto “Deus fortitudomea.”
Core Values
Faith in God, Compassion, Harmony, Service, Environment Sensitivity & Conservation of Natural Resources
College Anthem
Our lives into His hands this day;
Trusting in Him to compass it
That we may find the perfect way.
Fearless of foes, we cast aside
The days of ease we loved of yore;
And stand to the shock of battle-tide
Despite all trials hard and sore.
God is our strength, why fear the foe?
His love like armour doth enfold
Our weak and wayward nature so,
That vanquished lies the tempter bold.
Behold His arm of valor strong,
We’ll cling to it in stormy fray,
Nor fear we any harm or wrong,
God is our strength, now and for aye.