The Department of Science organizes an Innovative Science Model Exhibition on August 16 at St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru. The occasion displayed a world of visual brilliance which showcased the students’ imagination, passion and modernization through an impressive array of innovative 14 working and 7 non working models and charts.

The Science Model exhibition focussed on the innovative techniques on the theme “Vitascapers” where vita means life and scapers suggests creators or designers. This event provided an opportunity to the students to incorporate their theoretical and practical knowledge to make models for new scientific development introducing the fields of biotechnology, artificial intelligence, environmental design and Machine learning.

Sr Dr M Venissa A.C., the Principal inaugurated the exhibition and expressing her views on the significance of science and encouraged the students to show their eagerness, inquisitiveness and curiosity. She quoted that “Learning is a lifelong process to invent & to create innovations and to move beyond academics”. She motivated the students on possessing the skills which will help them to develop into a confident individual.

The exhibition attracted students from St Agnes CBSE School, St Agnes High School, St Agnes Higher Primary School, staff of St Agnes PU College and St Agnes College (Autonomous), and received acclamation from the visitors.

Sr Carmel Rita A C, Administrator, Sr Roopa AC, Vice Principal, Dr Nancy H Vaz, Registrar, Dr Ita D’Souza, IQAC coordinator, Mrs Helen Serrao, Dean of Science and BCA, convenor of Vitascapers, the Staff Coordinators Dr. Rachana Alva, Department of Zoology and Ms Lavita D’Souza, Department of Mathematics, faculty members of UG & PG, and students graced this occasion with their presence.

The MC was Sunena Subbanna Rai, Student Vice-President of Science who welcomed the gathering which began at 10AM and introduced the inaugurator followed by prayer led by Senona and group. The event was concluded by a valedictory function at 3:30PM.