Historical Timeline

- 2020: Inaugural of the centenary year of St Agnes College
- Centenary Block: Inauguration of the Mother Mary Aloysia Centenary Block
Knowledge Factory 2020 - III International Conference on the theme Innovation and Digitalisation – Strategies towards Global Collaborations by the Commerce Department of PG Studies
- Kannada Sahitya Sammelana Taluk Level
- III International Conference “COSMO POETICA”, Publishing Verbal Boundaries by the English Department of the PG Studies
- QnSmart examination Software 6.6.1- First of its kind in the University and the State – introduced at St Agnes College to Generate online question papers
- Sr Dr M. Venissa A.C. takes over as the Principal
- Received triple award from the Mangalore University
- Best NSS Unit- St Agnes College
- Best NSS Officer- Dr Udaykumar
- Best NSS Volunteer- Ms Rachana Shetty
- Centenary Special Postal Cover was released by Dr Charles Lobo, IPS,
- Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka Circle on 20 February 2019
- Signed an Agreement of Cooperation with the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA
- The college was selected for Unnath Bharath Abhiyan, a flagship program of Ministry of Human Resource Development
- The college was selected for Mentoring NAAC Accreditation Aspirant Institutions to promote Quality Assurance in Higher Education by UGC Scheme of Paramarsh
- M.Com organized II International seminar
MOU was signed with Karatina University, Kenya - Set up Entrepreneurship Development Forum – UNNATHI
- Introduced M.Sc. Big Data Analytics
- Introduced ‘Business Process Service’ (BPS) for B.Com and BBA
- Introduced College E-Magazine AgneSwara
- Centenary Marathon/ Cyclathon/ Walkathon
- Launching of the centenary Celebrations
- MASCOM Lab and Internet Labs were renovated and equipped with modern technology as computer lab for Big Data Analytics
- Big Data Analytics – Diploma Programme
- Introduced Commerce Professional (CA) in B.Com stream
- Introduced a new combination in B.Sc. with Mathematics, Statics and Economics, Diploma in Big Data Analytics
- Physics & Chemistry (UG) labs of UG were renovated and upgraded
- Three Faculty members of Post Graduate of Psychology, Commerce and English received guide ship by Mangalore University
- Started a NCC Air Wing
- Three new labs for PG Chemistry are set up and inaugurated
- PG new Chemistry labs are set up and equipment procured from USA & UK for research – FTIR Spectrometer – $ 17,899 (USA)
- Gil AC electrochemical corrosion – 9000 pounds (UK)
- Construction and Inauguration of PG Research Block – The High and Praxedes Pinto Research Block gifted by the Pinto Founds, USA, – by Dr. Brian & Nancy Pinto, brother of Dr Gerlayn Pinto.
- Laying of the Foundation of Mother Mary Aloysia A.C. Memorial Centenary Block
- The road inside the campus was interlocked
- MOU was signed with Karatina University, Kenya
- M.Com organized II International seminar
- St Agnes College has received the status of “College of Excellence” from the University Grants Commission. The college is the first college under Mangalore University to receive this recognition from UGC.
- St Agnes College has been assessed and accredited by NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade CGPA 3.65 out of 4 in Cycle 4 in 2017. This is the first college in the whole country to go for 4 cycle reaccreditation
- Solar Panels were installed on Carmel Block roof ( 15KV)
- Dress Code: Uniform (Formals) of 3 colours for three different classes
- The College has been awarded STAR COLLEGE STATUS by the Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India for the outstanding progress made by the College in the field of Science and Technology.
- Our College NSS Units secured “National Young Leaders Award” from Mangalore University
- Introduced Journalism Course
- Started New NCC Army Wing
- PG centre was recognized as Research Centre by Mangalore University for Ph.D studies
- International Seminars: For the first time 3 International seminars were organized. Two by PG departments – M.Com and MA in English (PG)
At the UG level History, Economics and Political Science Departments - Introduced Journalism Course
- Adopted Someshwar Gram Panchayat with 4 villages
- Avila Block corridors IQAC room were renovated with tiles
- Sr. Dr. Jeswina A. C. takes over as the Principal
- Introduced a new twinning programme of Association of Chartered certified Accountants (ACCA) integrated with B.Com, in association with ISDC, UK
- The college was Awarded Appreciation Certificate by the Father Muller Medical College for continued blood donation campaign
- Recognition to St. Agnes Centre for Post Graduate Studies and Research as a Research Centre by Mangalore University
- Establishment of Navachethana Counselling at the P.G. Centre
- Renovation of the Canteen, IQAC room
- Technologically enabled Board room was set up for all official meetings
- Shifting and renovation of Examination centre
- An additional 6 washrooms were constructed near Avila Block
- A new gate was constructed at the entrance of the college
Sr. M. Supriya A. C. takes over as the Principal
- An annual in-house Research Journal, Echo Research: AMulti-disciplinary Journal, was initiated.
- Mother Mary Aloysia AC Endowment Lecture Series was introduced.
- Introduced ‘D’ batch of B.Com.
- St. Agnes College has reaccredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with ‘A’ Grade with CGPA 3.53.
- The College received the grant under the Star College Scheme from the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India.
- Introduced Malayalam as II Language
Collaboration with Concordia College, New York, American Transfer Programme
Introduced M.Sc. Clinical Psychology & M.Sc. Chemistry
- Inaugurated (New Building ) Centre for Post Graduate Studies & Research
- Introduced M.Com.
- Introduced ‘C’ batch of B.Com.
- Inception of Women Studies Centre
- Introduced French as II Language
- Introduced BSW (Social Work) Course
- Establishment of a full-fledged PG Studies and Research Centre with male students
- Introduced M.A. English & M.Sc. Psychology
- Sr. Dr. Prem D ‘Souza A. C. takes over as the Principal
- The College received the Autonomous Status from the Govt. of Karnataka as well as from the Mangalore University
- Introduced BCA Course
- Established Carmel Studio
- Planted Herbal/Medicinal Garden
- Established Sophia Block and started Conference Hall, Language Lab, MASCOM Lab and Internet Lab
- Women’s Studies centre – Sumangala
- Agneseum – inter disciplinary museum
- Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Partnership Award – The college won the prestigious International Award for the path-breaking work in the field of Watershed Management undertaken as Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) which greatly benefitted villages in the suburbs of Mangaluru.
- The College received Best NSS Unit Award from at the University and State Level
- The college was recognized as the College with Potential for Excellence (CPE) by the University Grants Commission (UGC)
- Introduced Second batch of B.Com. Vocational Course, Honours Programmes and Credit-based ECA
- St. Agnes College has reaccredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with ‘A’ Grade.
Inception of Women Centre – Sumangala, to train and empower women with Skill Development Programmes, leading to self- employment
- Introduced Biotechnology at the Degree level
- Inauguration of Carmel Gym
- Inauguration of Peace Cell
- Introduced Honours Programme
- Computerized the College Office
- Sr. Carmel Rita A. C. takes over as the Principal
- PU and Degree colleges were bifurcated.
- Hosting of College Web Site
- Launching of Water Shed Management Project
- Introduction of R & D Cell
- Setting up of Chemistry & Botany Research Lab
- St. Agnes College has the pride of being the trail blazer as the first college under the
Mangalore University to be assessed and accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with the Five Star Status. - Introduction of Carmel Counseling Centre
- Computerized the College Library
- Started the Career Guidance Cell
- Visit of Blessed Mother Teresa to mark Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
- Introduced a plethora of new disciplines like Microbiology, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science and Computer Applications
1995 – 1996
- Started Secretarial Practice and Vocational Course in Office Management for B.A.
- Marked the Silver Jubilee of NSS Unit
Started Vocational Courses – Computer Applications for the B.Sc
Introduced Electronics and Microbiology with special Lab Facilities
The College received State Level Best NSS Unit Award from the Agricultural University, Dharwad when Sr. M. Supriya A.C. was the NSS Co-ordinator.
- Dr. Sr. Olivia A C assumes the office of the Principal
- Establishment of the Carmel block
- Introduction of Computer Science & Statistics for the PUC & Degree and Electronics for the PUC
- Introduction of Data Processing, English & Kannada major for the Degree
Introduced BBM & PGDCA
Establishment of New Library
Parking Shelter for two wheelers and Installation of the gas-plant and the generator.
1981 – 1982
Augmenting the learning resources of the college with the construction of a new building
Affiliation to Mangalore University
Establishment of College Canteen and Opening of Syndicate Bank Extension Counter
Sr. Aloysius A.C. takes over as the Principal – Direct payment of salaries
Launching of ‘Earn While You Learn’ Scheme
- Sr. Hedwige A C takes over as the Principal
- Establishment of Spacious Auditorium and the Commerce Block
- Humanities and Social Science Improvement Programme (COSHIP) is sanctioned by the UGC
Introduced Secretarial Practice at Degree level
- Establishment of Open Air Stage
- The college receives the COSIP (College Science improvement Programme) grant by the UGC
- Geography is introduced at the PUC level
Agnes Special School for the differently-abled, as a memorial of GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS and Introduced the NSS Wing
Establishment of Hostel and Non-Resident Student Centre (NRSC)
Introduction of Commerce at PUC level
- Establishment of the Science Block under the auspices of the UGC
- Introduced Botany and Zoology
Sr. Scholastica A.C. takes over as the Principal
The completion of a new block with the capacity to house Physics and Chemistry depts., makes way for the introduction of Science courses at Degree level.
1957 – 1958
- B.Sc. – Home Science
- Pre-University Class – Arts and Science
Introduced M.A. (Social Work)
1956 -1958
- Marks the affiliated status of the College under the three universities – Madras, Karnataka and Mysore.
- Psychology is introduced as a subject
A two year Diploma Course by the Social Work Dept. inaugurated by the Bishop
A Magazine published as a joint venture of the college and the High School
Introduced Psychology
1946 – 1947
- Introduced Sanskrit for the B.A course and Sanskrit and Household Arts for the intermediate class
- Chemistry and Physics are offered as subjects completing the Science section.
- Another New block houses Physics & Natural Science;
- Dewan Bahadur P.C. donates the Home Science Block.
- Established Veronica block for Science
- Introduced Physics
- Established Stage Hall and Hostel (Avila Block)
Affiliation secured for Mathematics and Basic Sciences
Sr. Theodosia A.C. takes over as the Principal and established Avila Block
- The Statue of the Sacred Heart (from France)
- The College is granted affiliation in French, Kannada and Malayalam for degree classes
The College and Convent Building (L shape)
The College secures affiliation with History Economics, attains the status of First Grade College and changes its name to St. Agnes College
Established Convent Chapel which is renovated in 1965
Sr. Annunciata A.C.takes over as the Principal with Junior Intermediate and Senior classes
The College comes into being under the name St. Ann’s College.
- B.A. – English, Kannada, Malayalam, Sanskrit and French, Economics, History and Mathematics
- Intermediate – English, Kannada, Sanskrit, Malayalam, Hindi, French, Ancient History, Modern History, Logic Household Arts, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Natural Science
- Pre-University Class – English, Kannada, Hindi, World History, Psychology, Logic, Household Arts, Physical Science, Natural Science