The Department of Hindi and Hindi Sangh – Prathibha in collaboration organised Hindi Diwas at St Agnes College, on September 18.

Mr Arun Kumar Gupta, Chief Manager, Union Bank of India was the chief guest. He addressed the gathering with a importance of Hindi message, “Hindi is one of the most spoken languages in the fields of education, sports, medical, banking, entertainment and media and should own the knowledge of this language and use it as a mode of communication. There are many job opportunities in the field of Hindi and can look forward for Government jobs. We need to read the poems and articles published in Hindi which can become an inspiration in our life. This is an easy to understand and a heartfelt language”.

Dr Shailaja H G, HOD, Hindi department, Dr Udayakumar, Staff Coordinator, Hindi department and Dr Nagesh, Dean, Hindi department were present on the occasion. The chief guest felicitated the Hindi toppers and a momento was presented to the guest by Dr Shailaja H G.

This session began with an invocation by Sheetal and team followed by lighting the lamp by the chief guest and faculty members. Thanmayee, student coordinator welcomed and introduced the chief guest and was the compere of the programme. The session was concluded by National Anthem.