The Department of Secretarial Practice, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru organized a Guest Talk on the topic ‘Social Grace: A key to fit anywhere’ on 12 February 2024. Mrs Nanditha Sunil, Associate Professor, Manel Srinivas Nayak Institute of Management, Bondel, Mangalore was the guest speaker.

She began her talk by giving examples on how mannerism and etiquettes differ from each other and highlighted the importance of these in one’s life. She referred to many occasions such as official meetings, meeting people through social media, telephone, email etc where social grace matters and how people form an opinion about a person. She pointed out certain mannerisms which need to be followed while eating or using washrooms. She narrated the common mistakes people commit and how they disgrace themselves. She drew their attention to maintain relationships and give an impression at the workplace with their attire too. She also focussed on certain bad mannerisms which are noticeable, and how to avoid them. It was an interactive session and students gave their opinion openly.

Student Sisters took charge of the prayer, Ms Shivani welcomed, Ms Nandana proposed the vote of thanks. 58 students and 2 faculty members participated and benefitted from the talk.