The Postgraduate Department of Chemistry, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru, organized a debate competition titled ‘Words of War’ on environmental issues on 14 August 2024. The topics for debate were:

1. “Environmental regulations that hinder economic development”
2. “The world should adopt a zero-waste policy”

This creative and educational initiative, jointly organized by the Postgraduate Department of Chemistry and the Chemaura Association, aimed to raise awareness about environmental issues, emphasizing the importance of responsible environmental practices.

The competition encouraged participants to express their ideas and thoughts on environmental concerns through a healthy debate. Open to all PG students, 20 participants formed four groups. After a spirited competition, Group 2 and Group 3 emerged as winners.

Participants enthusiastically shared their diverse ideas, making the event a wonderful platform for spreading environmental awareness. The competition provided a valuable opportunity for participants to learn and educate others about the significance of a clean environment, free from harmful pollution.