The three year degree course in Commerce was introduced in 1971.
The Department of Commerce strives to take students beyond academics and offers innumerable exposures and opportunities facilitating them to grow in self-confidence and self-esteem and enabling them to face all challenges of life successfully.

The Department of Commerce endeavors to impart value based education to educate, enlighten, equip and empower women capable to play different roles in every sphere of life. The entire world has become a small village through the network of communication technology and in such a fast changing and dynamic world, it is imperative that the present day youth is prepared for innovation and creativity, leading to excellence in performance and good communication skills in building human relationships and promoting potential markets and also in learning the art of living.The course offered by the department exposes the students to move beyond academics in different areas and offers innumerable opportunities to facilitate them to face all challenges of life successfully.
The course contents are drawn up in such a way that they will provide ample opportunities towards academic pursuits, social dimension, interpersonal relationship and integrated personality development.
The teaching programme includes Lectures, Guest Lectures, Group Discussions, Problem Solving, Research based Assignments, PPT presentations, Quiz, Case Analysis, Role Plays, Video Screening and Field Trips.
Objectives of The Department
For Faculty
To be efficient, innovative and creative in teaching to acquire standards of excellence.
To be professionally competent with relevance to contemporary knowledge and research.
To be responsive to the socio-economic realities of the region/country/world so as to keep pace with demands of change.
For Students
To be academically oriented and strive for excellence in the pursuit of knowledge.
To learn to face life’s challenges and to succeed in the competitive world.
To extend knowledge and learning skills beyond classroom through co-curricular and extension activities.
The department offers B.Com programme under
following combination
B.Com (Regular)
B.Com (ACCA)
B.Com (Professional)
B.Com (Industry Integrated)
B.Com (CMA – US) To be introduced in the academic year 2021-2022
Dr Devi Prabha S.
Associate Professor
Sr Clera Rodrigus A. C.
Assistant Professor
Ms. Merin V M
Assistant Professor
Mrs. Shetty Pooja Ramesh
Assistant Professor
Mrs. Jeslin D Cunha
Assistant Professor
Mr. Dilsun Loyster D Souza
Assistant Professor
Mr. Fredvin Joyston Crasta
Assistant Professor
Mrs C A Madhuri Prabhu B G
Guest Faculty
Mr. Durgaprasad J Shetty
Guest Faculty
CA Daphny Stella D’Souza
Guest Faculty
CA Rochelle D’Sa
Guest Faculty
CA Ashwini Pandit
Guest Faculty
CA Andrea Sequeira
Guest Faculty
CA Nikhil Sonigra
Guest Faculty
CA Raksha Rao
Guest Faculty