Building Emotional Resilience and Coping with Illness – A visit to White Dove Psychiatric Nursing and Destitute Home

St Agnes Post Graduate Department of Clinical Psychology, as a part of the curriculum, the students of MSc. Clinical Psychology made a visit to White Dove Psychiatric Nursing and Destitute Home to conduct a seminar on ‘Building Resilience and Coping with Illness’ on 23rd August 2024.

This event was aimed to bring insight into how the participants can improve their resilience and cope with chronic illness. There were few activities which conducted to engage everyone.

The seminar was attended by all the inmates at the White Dove institution, and covered topics such as understanding what chronic illness is, how to improve emotional wellbeing’s and increase resilience and on the importance of support system.

We conducted three activities and the participants actively engaged with us and sang few songs. The feedback from the participants was very positive stating that they felt happy to have us over and interact with them.

Overall, the event was very successful as we were able to engage and impart knowledge with those who attended.