Aqua Splash 2024 a vibrant and engaging event organized by the Student Council of St. Agnes College was held on 14 August 2024. This event featured a variety of water-related games and activities, all utilizing the water collected through the college’s rainwater harvesting initiative. A total of 52 teams participated in this event, competing in various team-building exercises centered on water.

Throughout the day, students engaged in diverse water-related activities designed to promote teamwork and strategic thinking. The event was divided into seven zones, each offering unique challenges and fun experiences. The winners of the team-building competition were as follows: Anna Squad, MCA, Ghost Busters, House full, Helicopter, and Power Rangers.

The inauguration ceremony was conducted by a distinguished dignitaries including Sr. Dr. M. Venissa A.C, Principal; Sr. Roopa Rodrigues, Vice Principal; Sr. Carmel Rita A.C, Administrator; Mrs. Malavika Shetty, Student Council Coordinator; and Mrs. Shubha Rekha, Dean Administrator ; Dr. Nagesh, Dean of Humanities. The festivities were set in motion with an entertaining display of bursting balloons and water gun shooting by the dignitaries.

In conclusion, Aqua Splash 2024 was a great success, demonstrating the students’ enthusiasm for teamwork and sustainable practices. The use of harvested rainwater highlighted the college’s commitment to environmental responsibility, making the event both enjoyable and impactful.