The awareness programme was conducted by Mr Umesh Kumar, PSI of Kadri Police Station, who addressed the students on the pressing issue of drug abuse. He highlighted the dangers and consequences of drug use on human beings, urging the students to steer clear of this menacing problem. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of teachers’ vigilance and assured that the police department would take appropriate actions against any such cases, providing counselling to affected students.
To further emphasize the importance of the campaign, Ms Ifra Aisha, II BA Criminology student from the School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya provided valuable insights into the impact of drugs on individuals and society, encouraging the students to distance themselves from such harmful substances.
Sr Dr M. Venissa A.C., Principal, Sr Clera Rodrigues A.C., Vice Principal, Sr Dr M. Vinora A.C., PG Coordinator, Sr CarmelRita A.C., Administrator presided over the event. Mr Sunil Kumar and other staff members from Kadri Police Station were also present. The initiative saw active participation from around 1500 students and staff members. Dr Kavyashree, Assistant Professor, Post Graduate Department of Psychology compered the programme.
The collaborative efforts of the educational institution, the police authorities, and the active involvement of the attendees made the Anti-drug awareness campaign a resounding success. It fostered a sense of awareness, responsibility, and commitment to creating a drug-free and safer environment for everyone involved.