Our MSc Clinical Psychology students conducted an outreach program to Sai Nikethana, Manjeshwar. Sri Sai Nikethana is a charitable trust that believes providing love and care is the highest form of social justice.

Since the incorporation of the trust in 2007, it has primarily focused on treating and rehabilitating the less fortunate. Their work includes providing shelter for those who are homeless or abandoned by families, inculcating social skills in those who have mental and physical disabilities, and offering psychological, physical and medical support on a need-basis.

The community engaged and responded with great enthusiasm. We presented a module on self care and emotional management. This began with a presentation on physical health and we also engaged the group in some exercises. We then touched upon emotional health which was accompanied by breathing activities and teaching them some coping skills.

We then facilitated some cognitive activities in relation to memory. We concluded the presentation with some insights on spiritual health and building healthy relationships briefly.

This was followed by a short break where we had a sumptuous lunch provided by the organisation, and a short tour of the place that was filled with greenery and animals. They also shared stories of some of the people living in the community.

Our program began with a welcome speech, an auspicious beginning with an invocation song by Sreekruthi, followed by a group song and group dance. We thanked everyone for this prestigious opportunity to spend the day with them. We concluded the program with a vote of thanks to express our gratitude for this deeply wholesome day.