Around 1100 participants of different age groups took part in the various event.
Ms Rochelle D’silva, Wing Commander Indian Air Force was the Chief Guest of the event. Sr Dr M Jeswina AC, Principal of St Agnes Degree College, Sr Maria Roopa AC, Superior of St Agnes Institutions, Ms. Geanette D Souza, Alumni President of St Agnes College, Sr Norine, Principal of St Agnes PU College, Sr Carmel Rita AC, Administrator of St Agnes College, Ms Anna Crasta, PG President of St Agnes College, Ms. Jerusha, UG president of St Agnes College and Mr. Ronald D Souza, PTA President, St Agnes College were the dignitaries present on the dias.
The participants covered 3.5 kms starting from the Institution passing via Bendoorwell, Balmatta, Jyoti, Balmatta and back to the campus. The event began with a warm up session conducted by Ms Royolla, Zumba Instructor.
Sr Dr Jeswina AC, Sr. Dr Vanessa AC, Ms Rochelle D Silva and Mrs Geanette D Souza released the balloons and declared the event open. Ms Rochelle D Silva flagged off the cyclothon, Sr Dr Jeswina AC flagged off the Marathon and Ms Geanette D Souza flagged off the walkathon. The event was sponsored by TVS motors Mangalore, KMC Hospital Mangalore and Dr Austin D’souza Prabhu from Chicago, USA.
Mr Kiran Kumar secured the first prize, Mr Nithin Mohan secured the second and Mr Vinaya Bhatt secured the third in Cyclothon. Mr Ajuman secured the first prize, Mr Shivananda B secured the second and Mr Lara Francis secured the third under the category of men for Marathon. Ms Soniya secured the first prize, Ms Deeksha secured the second and Ms Maria Lavina Rodriguez secured the third under the category of women for Marathon. The winners were awarded with prizes. Ms Anna Crasta and family were awarded with a sapling for the maximum number of participation from the family. Sr Dr Venissa AC, Vice Principal St Agnes College was the convener of the event. Ms Anna Crasta proposed the vote of thanks and Ms Nerissa was the Master of Ceremony.