The programme was organized in view of enriching the personality of students in addition to their curricular activities . In this regard 35 final year students were selected and were the beneficiaries of this programme.
Sr Dr Jeswina A C the Principal, Sr Dr Venessa A C , the Vice Principal,The programme co-ordinator , Mrs Patsy Lobo and the secretary of Alumni Association, Mrs Saramma Jayaraj were the backbone of this programme.
The workshop was conducted in six interactive sessions touching upon the topics : ‘Communication skills, coping up with challenges’ by Mrs Patsy Lobo; ‘Demo of belly dance with yoga and health fitness tips and female hygiene’ by Ms Sharlaine Sequiera;’ How to build self confidence’ by Mrs Patsy Lobo; ‘ Self esteem by self motivation, personal analysis, self reflections, artificial intelligence & robotics and positive feelings’ by Dr Derek Lobo and ‘ Assertiveness, leadership qualities’ by Mrs Sunitha Menezes.
The students expressed their joy and gratitude in words during the valedictory function . All the participants were distributed with participation certificates by CASK.