The Department of Statistics, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru had organized an Awareness Program on “Big Data Analytics, AI and Machine Learning” by person Prof. Cris Lewis, Former Vice President , Merill Lynch Us on 19 January 2019. 120 students and two...
The Youth play a very important role in the development of the nation.The government of India has taken various initiatives to create political awareness among the youth. One such program organized by the government was ‘Youth Parliament Festival 2019’.On 17th , 18th...
St Agnes College Arts Exhibition 2018-19 was inaugurated by the Principal Sr Dr M. Jeswina A.C. on 17 January 2019.The students from different departments of Arts had prepared various innovative models. The department of Psychology put up exhibits on Physiology,...
On the 16 of January 2019, St Agnes College (Autonomous) Mangaluru in association with Tarlivind institute of aviation organised the program that would soon commence. The function began by invoking the blessing of God through a prayer song led by Rishel dsouza which...
The Department of Statistics organized one day workshop for second year B.Com certificate course students on the topic “Predictive Analytic Software” on 15th January 2019. The resource person was Ms Yakshitha Karkera , a Statistician Glaxo Smith Pharmaceutical company...