The Department of Physical Education, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru conducted an Interclass Carrom Tournament on 10 November 2018 with a total of 94 students participating, and each class being represented by 4 participants. Winners List: 1st Place: Trisha...
The Department of Physical Education, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru hosted an Interclass Volleyball Tournament on 8 November 2018, with 192 students participating in total, and each class being represented by 12 participants. Winners List: 1st Place: II...
The Department of Physical Education, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru hosted an Interclass Chess Tournament on 1 November 2018, with 42 students participating in total, with each class being represented by 2 participants. Winners List:1st Prize: Alma Rosario...